August 14, 2019 | by itsupport
Carlos started working for United Medical Centers 22 years ago in the Business Office department as a Billing Cashier Clerk. In this position, he was responsible for entering charges into our medical system. It was through this process that he learned about CPTs, diagnoses, and medical insurance requirements. With the knowledge gained there, three years later he moved on to the IS Dept to do all the electronic billing as the Electronic Data Processing Technician. It was during this time that he decided to return to college to further his education earning an Associate Degree. The volume of claims increased with the increase of providers and electronic insurance formats, promoting Carlos to EDP Coordinator responsible for overseeing a team of three EDP staff members.
His drive and determination and a great sense of responsibility continually propelled him to improve his work performance and to always strive to learn new processes. This, in combination with computer programming classes has allowed him to help the Report Writer to create the Practice Analytics queries requested by the various departments.
In his spare time, Carlos enjoys playing volleyball in his hometown city league. He also enjoys going to the theater in San Antonio and travels widely to attend concerts.
I currently work as a Software Support Coordinator. My primary responsibilities are to ensure that all electronic and paper claim formats are up to date so that UMC receives insurance payments in a timely manner. I work with BO staff and Greenway technicians to make any changes to insurance billing formats as requested by insurances.
I monitor data integrity by running queries created for MR and BO departments. Every few months I process the Address report and analyze the data to send MR leaders a list of all addresses that need follow up. I also process the MR and BO daily reports, confirming by their low volume that these are being processed regularly; requesting departmental leadership intervention as needed.
I also provide support as requested by my assigned liaison departments via the Help-desk ticket system. My assigned departments include Business Office, DR Admin, Pharmacy, Family Planning, and Dental. I also assist other departments such as CPI, HR, Clinical, and Medical Records with reports and other system requests.
I cover the next in charge duties when necessary. I also cover the Software Support staff as needed.
I format the templates for all UMC patient correspondence forms in our medical systems. As a UMC patient, I was able to analyze how I could make the patient processing faster. In Intergy EHR, I reviewed, corrected, updated, and added new forms for use by the Nursing Department. In Intergy PM, I created correspondence packets with prefilled patient data to expedite the patient check in process. I continue to update and create new forms as well as correct the Spanish translations.
I work closely with Lucio Guerra to create report queries for all departments; reviewing with him and researching the system processes used in generating the data needed to create the reports.
On a daily basis, I monitor the security risk logs in Intergy and generate the monthly logs needed for HIPAA compliance. I assist my department liaisons with their security risk assessment questions.
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